Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vision Statement



1. To know Christ and make Him Known
2. To witness to everyone that Christ died for all sinners desipite colour, race, culture and other statutes.
3. To present Christ to the lost as SAVIOUR AND LORD
4. To promote spiritual growth to believers by teaching the Word of God and showing how it can be applied in the Christian life.
5. To publish and distribute christian literature
6. To establish and mantain missions.
7. To visit and comfort patients, prisioners and the oppressed.
8. To establish and maintain orphanages and widows.
9. To minister to the infirm, the aged and needy.
10. To establish and mantain Youth camps and social centres.
11. To establish and mantain dispensaries, Clinics and Schools.
12. To establish and mantain different projects that would help the Youth, the orphans, the needy, the infirm and the community to live a better life.
13. To bring about agreater measure of unity and a spirit of harmony in the body of Christ where believers are united in the common effort for the good of the whole body.
14. To witness the God's presence and power in the world today through the message of the total Gospel for the whole man, and this to reach men for Jesus Christ, of any standard.

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