Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Children Ministry


We have many Children over 200. They are still under a tree where they gather with their leaders. We have a need to buy for them two tents. The First for baby and Adults. Their Teacher, Moses and his Wife and Majelan and his Wife. Among the Children we have! Orphans, disebled and other who their parents cant manage to meet their daily necessities.

We have many Children over 200. They are still under a tree where they gather with their

Worship Team

They lead the Church in worship and Praise 2/3 being Youths, having the passion to serve and seek the Lord, led by the Youth Pastor Mugabi.

Women Ministry


It is lead by Pastor Stella Balisanyuka, a women leader in the Region of Five Districts in Mid-Western Uganda. Founder of "WOMEN OF DIVINE PURPOSE"

She makes women conferences at the begining of the Year the second week of January. She travels national wide making these conferences, she has been in; Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and New Zealand.

She has a team of Prayer worriors a very Evening of Sunday from 4:00 pm to 3:00 am. She has started projects among women like; Farming, Tailoring, Shop Keeping, Home Business, working in groups.

When you want to invite her

Email: kunihirastella@yahoo.com
Cell: +256 774 102 100

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church

Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church it is situated in Muhorro Town along Fort Portal Road, Opposite Oil Petrol Station. It is a regional Headquarter of Mid-Western Uganda. Heading five Districts of Masindi, Hoima, Kibaale, Buliisa and Mubende.
The Church is working under WORLD EVANGELICAL MINISTRIES (U) in the Mid - Western Part of Uganda.

For more information feel free to contact us

Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church

P.o. Box 41, Kagadi

Via-Hoima Western Uganda East Africa.

Email: muhorrocfc@yahoo.com

Pastor's Email Address;

Email: vincentmsw@yahoo.com

Cell. +256 772 378 483 or +256 774 102 100


Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church

For more information feel free to contact us



Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church started in 1987 it has now spent over 20 years in service. The Church was started in 1987 with humble begining in a small room with two people. Now it has grown to over 400 members, planted 86 Churches in Five Districts of Masindi, Buliisa, Hoima, Kibaale and Mubende. Now the Church covers the mid western Uganda. We have seen many come to the Lord, and transformed, baptised in power of the Holy spirit, with signs, miracles and wonders following.

This site is under construction

Friday, June 26, 2009

About us


Pastor Vincent and Stella Balisanyuka are senior pastors of Muhorro Christians Fellowship Church. The Church was started in 1987 with humble begining in a small room with two people. Now it has grown to over 400 members, planted 86 Churches in Five Districts.

We have been in ministry for 20 years. We train leaders, make conferences, plant Churches, Women conferences, Children ministry we have been in different Countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Africa and New Zealand.

We have aradio programme concerning successful family every Sunday evening on our local Fm Radio Station, Kagadi-Kibaale Community Radio Fm 91.7.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Statement of Faith



The Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct
(2 Tim. 3:16)

One God, eternally existent in three persons: FATHER, SON and the HOLY SPIRIT. (Mathew 28:19).

Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifested in the flesh, his virgin birth, his sinless human life, his divine miracles, his vicarious and atoning death, his body resurrection, his ascension, his mediatorial work and his personal return in power and Glory as stated in the Holy scriptures.

The salvation of the lost sinful man through the shed blood of the lord Jesus Christ, by Faith a part from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
(Eph 2:8, 9).

The spiritual unity of all those who, having believed JESUS CHRIST for their salvation have been regenerated according to the scripture (John 8:36) and the Water Baptism (Acts 8:36-38)

The Holy life, by baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT which makes a person a witness unto the lord JESUS CHRIST. (Acts 1:8). The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:8-10; Galatians 5:22-23)

Observing the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:26)

Vision Statement



1. To know Christ and make Him Known
2. To witness to everyone that Christ died for all sinners desipite colour, race, culture and other statutes.
3. To present Christ to the lost as SAVIOUR AND LORD
4. To promote spiritual growth to believers by teaching the Word of God and showing how it can be applied in the Christian life.
5. To publish and distribute christian literature
6. To establish and mantain missions.
7. To visit and comfort patients, prisioners and the oppressed.
8. To establish and maintain orphanages and widows.
9. To minister to the infirm, the aged and needy.
10. To establish and mantain Youth camps and social centres.
11. To establish and mantain dispensaries, Clinics and Schools.
12. To establish and mantain different projects that would help the Youth, the orphans, the needy, the infirm and the community to live a better life.
13. To bring about agreater measure of unity and a spirit of harmony in the body of Christ where believers are united in the common effort for the good of the whole body.
14. To witness the God's presence and power in the world today through the message of the total Gospel for the whole man, and this to reach men for Jesus Christ, of any standard.

Monday, June 22, 2009



To the Official website of Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church. Our work is to touch the an tourched World Wide.

The Church Motto "Reaching the multitude and changing them into members of our Church and then into the ministers of the Kingdom of God and then Missioneries".

We reach to rescue and teach to transform challenging to change. Tourching the an tourched world wide with signs, miracles and wonders.

For more information you can talk to us via our address

Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church
P.o. Box 41, Kagadi
Via-Hoima Western Uganda East Africa.
Email: muhorrocfc@yahoo.com
Email: vincentmsw@yahoo.com
Cell. +256 772 378 483 or +256 774 102 100