Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ask Network Conference

Pastor Vincent Balisanyuka and Stella hosted Ask Network Conference at Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church. The team came from Kenya led by Pastor Miriam Mbevi Kaloki, they were five Pastors.
The theme of the Conference was from Luke 7: 47: "...she loved..." from 6th to 8th January, 2010.
The Conference attracted over three hundred (300) participants from four districts namely Kibaale, Hoima, Kyenjojo & Kabarole.
Many were touched, changed and transformed by this conference. We are still receiving testimonies from different participants of the participating districts.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ask Network Conference

Pastor Vincent Balisanyuka and Stella hosted Ask Network Conference at Muhorro Chirstian Fellowship Church. The team came from Kenya led by Pastor Miriam Mbevi Kaloki, they were five Pastors. The conference was attended by over three hundred (300) participants from four districts of Uganda namely Kibaale, Hoima, Kyenjojo & Kabarole.
The theme of the conference was from Luke 7:47 " ...she loved much...". The Conference took place from 6th to 8th January, 2010. Many were touched, changed and transformed by this conference. We are still receiving testimonies from different participants.