Thursday, July 9, 2009

Youth Ministries

Youth Ministries
The Church has almost 2/3 Youth, they do house to house Evangelism on Sunday. Football Teams, Youth Camps and the Youth Leader of the Region Preaches in Secondary School.
Pastor Turanziomwe Johnson


The Youth ministering the sick


Every Friday the Church goes out to House to House from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and this has brought many to recieve Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We have the Youth on Sunday who preach in Hospitals and Prisions and visit the sick, those in need and preach to them and pray with them and meet some needs.

Up Coming Events


Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church is preparing for the up coming Women Conference, which is Scheduled to take place on 24th - 25th of July 2009. The Conference is prepared under the WOMEN OF DIVINE PURPOSE. The conference will take place at the Church Premises of Muhorro Christian Fellowship Church. The guest Speaker is EV. Komuntale Evelyn and a team from United States of America.